The STEM Discovery Week event aimed to help students understand and prepare for the jobs in the future. The topic was "How can we prepare ourselves for the future in a rapidly changing world?".
The project lasts for three days and and the working procedure consists of several phases:
1. In our school, in the framework of professional orientation, for 7th grade students , was organized a presentation of a secondary vocational school Aviation Academy of Belgrade. The pilot, Zoran Starčević, introduced the students of our school with the conditions of schooling, educational profiles (civil and military), employment opportunities and continuing schooling. The lecturer also broke the prejudice that the airline industry was reserved only for the male world, explaining that in their secondary school there were educated profiles for girls, so many of them were interested in the Academy.
In the course of the work, one of the students came up with the idea that they could build satellites and space aircraft that would detect debris on Earth from space, so they did. The last picture shows a space station made of candy and chocolate, since the students were hungry in the meantime. The faces of my students are blured because of their cyber security.
In the pictures are the younger classes with their teachers who were delighted with the design of our space exploration items. My students intoduced them 4c's 21st century skills (Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creativity) through an explanation of the work process: how they communicated, collaborated and found ideas, how critically they thought about making the items, and as a result of all these activites their final products.
The objective of the event is to encourage students to develop digital competences, communication competences in English, critical thinking, collaborative learning, peer learning, STEM learning and Project-Based Learning. My students enjoyed this STEM event and all the organized acivities. They have understood STEM education through doing workshops and they have learnt how to build skills which they need to succeed in the future.